SLOPSA USA Making a Difference

by Supporting St. Louis Senior High School 


Mission And Objectives

The Team

The name of the organization is known as "St. Louis Past Students Association - USA" and hereinafter referred to as The Association or SLOPSA USA, and members are known simply as "SLOPSANS".


Our Mission

The mission of SLOPSA USA, a non-profit, non-political, charitable, and voluntary organization is to support the St. Louis Secondary and/or Senior High School Alumni Body in the USA; to serve as a vehicle for communicating effectively with the Alumni Body in the USA, and to actively and financially support the goals of St. Louis Senior High School.

Our Objectives

Include but not limited to the following:

  • To organize members of the Association and promote the interest and the welfare of the Association members.
  • To uphold and promote the moral values espoused by devoted educators of St. Louis Senior High School.
  • To initiate and fund capital improvement projects and other activities that will enhance teaching and learning at St. Louis Senior High School.
  • To provide financial or in-kind support to the viable project(s) initiated by the St. Louis Senior High School administration, Benevolent Organizations, or the School's Board of Governors.
  • To promote an understanding and appreciation for the cultural heritage of St. Louis Senior High School.
  • To promote activities that will foster the image, interests, mission, and objectives of the Association.